- Sun 26 January 2020
- Data Science
- Michael Lehotay
- #genetic-algorithm, #combinatorics, #computational-complexity
Here's the code. I'll write the description in a day or two. I still need to add weapons and armor to the treasure chest and update the fitness calculations to include the probability defeating the troll.
import random
import arena # https://github.com/mlehotay/arena.git
NUM_ITEMS = 20 # number of items in treasure chest
MAX_WEIGHT = 100 # max weight of a single treasure item
MAX_VALUE = 100 # max value of a single treasure item
treasure_names = ['gold', 'gem', 'ring', 'amulet', 'potion', 'scroll', 'wand', 'spellbook']
treasure = [{
'description': random.choice(treasure_names),
'weight': random.randint(1, MAX_WEIGHT),
'value': random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE)
} for _ in range(0, NUM_ITEMS)
[{'description': 'scroll', 'weight': 17, 'value': 89},
{'description': 'ring', 'weight': 44, 'value': 75},
{'description': 'gold', 'weight': 92, 'value': 98},
{'description': 'scroll', 'weight': 100, 'value': 20},
{'description': 'spellbook', 'weight': 56, 'value': 93},
{'description': 'ring', 'weight': 26, 'value': 75},
{'description': 'potion', 'weight': 47, 'value': 98},
{'description': 'potion', 'weight': 30, 'value': 62},
{'description': 'gem', 'weight': 16, 'value': 7},
{'description': 'gem', 'weight': 51, 'value': 30},
{'description': 'scroll', 'weight': 28, 'value': 46},
{'description': 'amulet', 'weight': 74, 'value': 20},
{'description': 'spellbook', 'weight': 73, 'value': 7},
{'description': 'potion', 'weight': 19, 'value': 93},
{'description': 'amulet', 'weight': 71, 'value': 91},
{'description': 'amulet', 'weight': 57, 'value': 71},
{'description': 'gold', 'weight': 7, 'value': 6},
{'description': 'potion', 'weight': 43, 'value': 71},
{'description': 'potion', 'weight': 23, 'value': 78},
{'description': 'gold', 'weight': 25, 'value': 83}]
CAPACITY = 200 # max weight the knapsack can hold
class Knapsack:
def __init__(self, item_list, mask=None):
if mask == None:
mask = [False]*NUM_ITEMS # new knapsacks start out empty
self.mask = mask
self.items = [item for (item, selected) in zip(item_list, mask) if selected]
self.weight = sum([item['weight'] for item in self.items])
self.value = sum([item['value'] for item in self.items])
self.valid = self.weight <= CAPACITY
def __repr__(self):
mask_string = ''.join([str(int(flag)) for flag in self.mask])
return f'<knapsack mask:{mask_string} weight:{self.weight} value:{self.value}>'
def print_contents(self):
for item in self.items:
print(f" {item['description']} weight:{item['weight']} value:{item['value']}")
Genetic Algorithm
# genetic algorithm parameters
POPULATION_SIZE = 100 # number of individuals in population
MUTATION_RATE = 0.20 # probability that an individual mutates
SURVIVAL_RATE = 0.50 # percentage of generation that survives to have children
NUM_GENERATIONS = 100 # number of generations to simulate
def fitness(knapsack): # survival of the fittest
if knapsack.weight > CAPACITY:
return -1 # illegal knapsacks have negative fitness
return knapsack.value
def mutate(knapsack, item_list):
if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE:
i = random.randint(0, NUM_ITEMS-1) # randomly select one gene
new_mask = knapsack.mask
new_mask[i] = not new_mask[i] # "Mutation: it is the key to our evolution." -Professor X
knapsack = Knapsack(item_list, new_mask)
return knapsack
def crossover(knapsack1, knapsack2, item_list): # combine DNA of parents to make child
child_mask = [random.choice(gene) for gene in zip(knapsack1.mask, knapsack2.mask)]
return Knapsack(item_list, child_mask)
def select(population): # this is where we simulate natural selection
num_survivors = round(POPULATION_SIZE * SURVIVAL_RATE)
population = sorted(population, key=fitness, reverse=True)[:num_survivors]
return population
def repopulate(population):
while len(population) < POPULATION_SIZE:
parents = random.sample(population, 2)
child = crossover(parents[0], parents[1], treasure)
return population
population = [Knapsack(treasure) for _ in range(0, POPULATION_SIZE)]
for _ in range(1, NUM_GENERATIONS):
population = [mutate(k, treasure) for k in population]
population = select(population)
population = repopulate(population)
# all valid individuals in final generation, sorted by fitness
population = sorted([k for k in population if k.valid], key=fitness, reverse=True)
[<knapsack mask:10000110001000010001 weight:200 value:462>,
<knapsack mask:11000101100000000100 weight:176 value:379>,
<knapsack mask:00000000011001001011 weight:153 value:336>,
<knapsack mask:00000000000001100110 weight:156 value:333>,
<knapsack mask:11000100000000001010 weight:117 value:323>,
<knapsack mask:01000010010000000100 weight:185 value:274>,
<knapsack mask:00000000010001000110 weight:136 value:272>,
<knapsack mask:01000000000100000100 weight:161 value:166>,
<knapsack mask:00000000011000001010 weight:109 value:160>,
<knapsack mask:10000000100000000000 weight:33 value:96>]
# details of best solution
<knapsack mask:10000110001000010001 weight:200 value:462>
scroll weight:17 value:89
ring weight:26 value:75
potion weight:47 value:98
scroll weight:28 value:46
amulet weight:57 value:71
gold weight:25 value:83