
developer blog and assorted data science projects

Data Science Articles

A Brief Overview of Redash

In this post we'll take a quick look Redash, an open source software package to "Make Your Company Data Driven." We're going to explore what it means to be data driven and how Redash can help. Coming soon: Write a blog post about the open-source project you’ve been assigned …

Solving the Knapsack Problem with a Genetic Algorithim

Here's the code. I'll write the description in a day or two. I still need to add weapons and armor to the treasure chest and update the fitness calculations to include the probability defeating the troll. Treasure import random import arena # NUM_ITEMS = 20 # number …

Electricity Usage in Ontario

import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt pd.options.display.max_columns = 40 Preliminary Review I received some excel files from my father-in-law containing information about electricity consumption in Ontario. He looked up the data on the web three times daily and manually entered it into …

Probability Simulation in Python

I've never really liked the Monty Hall problem. The soution is counterintuative and my brain kind of breaks when I try to wrap my head around the conditional probabilities. In situations like this it can be beneficial to look at the problem empirically and estimate the probabilities of the outcomes …